By Bridget O’Brien




I grew up in a place called Dunsandle, Athenry, in the county Galway. I have some great memories of my childhood days and the beautiful stone walls surrounding my home and farm. Some of my best memories were made in the Bog. Dad cut turf with a slean, a tool used to cut sods of turf. I helped Dad to save the turf and was always given the job to light the fire in the Bog. It always took a while for the fire to take off as there was barely any paper or kindling to light it. We used to boil the kettle and boil eggs to eat with bread for our lunch. Tea on the Bog was lovely. In our break time, we would collect tadpoles in jam jars. I fell into bog holes a couple of times. What a laugh! Dad used to cut enough turf to fill four loads, two for home, two to sell.

We had no car at the time, so our transport to and from the Bog was the pony and cart. On the way back home, after work, Dad would buy us an ice-cream, which we enjoyed. Those were some fun times!
