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Blending Science and Art in the Scent of Nature

NatPro, Trinity Centre for Natural Products Research, will host a workshop masterclass on ‘Unlocking Nature Pharmacy – Blending Science and Art in the Scent of Nature’. This workshop will include a scientific lecture to showcase the role of nature and its scent to support wellbeing. The practice of aromatherapy, which is the use of essential oils derived from plants as a potential source of beneficial health properties, will be introduced.

During the workshop, adult participants will be invited to explore the scent of natural ingredients distilled from leaves, flowers, fruits, woods and roots. They will have the opportunity to discover their role in aromatherapy by exploring sample aroma testers to identify their scents, and enjoy the stimulating effect on the senses. Using aroma to awaken positive memory associations and its potential role in wellbeing and growing clinical use will be discussed in this experiential session.

There is scientific suggestion that scent triggers memories that might play a role in improving sport performance or supporting mental health, by reducing cognitive decline or improving mood. For example, it is believed that lavender essential oil might reduce stress and anxiety and more scientific work is undergoing to support this initial evidence.